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Sunday, July 31, 2011

GATHERING Volunteers Needed

The October Event is going to be a very rewarding time for us all, but it can't happen without  kind hearts volunteering their time to help in Decorations, Food, Set up, Kids Corner, Costume Contest, Writing Contest, Ticket sales, Door Prize Give-Aways and more.  It's a lot to do, but if we all come together, we can  make it happen and make a GRAND impact on our community, making them more aware of how  literacy moves us all to the next level.  Anyone interested can email me at, subject EVENT Volunteer.  Thank you all who have already commited to help.  It means a lot.  In the end, St. Jude and Liteacy wins.  Keep reading and writing.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


A year is just a moment in Life’s path you see,  A glimpse of who we are today and for tomorrow who we’ll be.  You smile as your children grow, but then gone away so fast: Remembrance of every tiny thing that happened in the past.  Yet each day we thrive on money and fame, on things and reputation all;  We lift our hands up to politicians and celebrities, those who won’t catch us when we fall.  Then comes the day when we will pray for the right, the just, the fair, We’ll pray for love and happiness, sometimes lacking to be there.  A year is just a moment in life’s path, now I know.  For in the end, it’s not those powerful people who will spiritually help me grow.  Truth be known, it’s in the word, In kind words and helpful hands.  In the end, as life goes by, we’ll turn to our forever friend.  He saw you when you were weeping and when laughter filled your soul.  He was there when you strived for better, as success stood as your goal.  So, think sometimes at how long life is.  Is just a moment or a day.  For it doesn’t matter if your heart is corrupt and if you fail to pray.  Don’t thrive for fame and money, but for goodness from within, And know when these years are gone, you’ll be welcomed by your forever friend.  Then you’ll know what time is, only a fragment of space and then it’s gone.  Don’t take for granted anything and always know right from wrong.  Then comes your day to find your way to the greater space above.  Hopefully it will be filled the same in your heart, as on earth…so full of love.  A year is just a moment in life’s path you see…For you decide the person you truly want to be.

To Write is to DREAM; To Dream is to BELIEVE

If there’s one thing I’ve always known, it’s that if you believe in something strong enough, you’ll dream it and you’ll make it come true.  Sometimes it may take longer than you’d like, but it doesn’t make it any sweeter when it does.  It’s all of the negative people who try to smother all of the dreams floating around in so many peoples heads.  Don’t believe those who don’t believe in themselves.  Know who you are and what you are capable of.   Stare adversity in the face and keep on going.  Success never came to be without struggle before it….For those writers out there, keep writing and for the readers out there, keep engulfing yourself in the stories you read.  Sometimes those stories take you to a place you need to be to escape reality for just a little while….Til Next time…

Time is Approaching for the "Gathering of Authors"

It is my pleasure to be the Founder of the “GATHERING OF AUTHORS”  Charity Event & Booksigning.  With more than 20 authors attending, several publishers, a Children’s creative writing contest and more, this EVENT will be one to remember.  REMEMBER, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is our Charity, so be a part.    Just a note to my author friends.  I feel blessed to have gotten to know all of you.  I started this event for a reason.  One huge reason is to connect with other writers, those who understand me and my passion.  To all of you, I’m thankful, so thankful.

Friday, July 29, 2011

The DREAM Before the "Gathering"

SSome people ask me why I started the Fall “Gathering of Authors” Charity Event & Book Signing.  It’s simple, but not at the same time.  Being a struggling writer for so long now, trying every avenue to get my books out there and get noticed, at times, I felt I was at the end.  One morning I woke up and a bright light came on inside my head.  “I’m not the only author in this area,” I said to myself.  From that moment on, I began to search for other writers who probably felt the same way as myself.    Finding one then another, so many were found I was astonished, but pleasantly surprised.  From Sci-fi to Inspirational, there were all kinds of authors in my midst I had no clue about.  I knew then what I had to do.  If I, a writer, didn’t know about these other authors, then I’m sure many people in our community didn’t either.  Then was born the “GATHERING OF AUTHORS.”  Being a giving person, I wanted to add a charity in with our literacy event.  So from now forward. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital will reap the rewards from our wonderful event.